Who are you? What is it that you do? These seem like simple questions, but....
If your parents were to describe you vs. your spouse, vs. your children, vs. your best friend, vs. your first or last boss... it is likely you would have many different descriptions. And so it is for your many audiences, clients and constituencies. Standard bios, and C.V.'s, just won't do the job if you want to separate yourself from the crowd. You are, and want to be, perceived as stable and consistent to your primary objectives as a consultant or business owner, yet versatile enough to maneuver any circumstance that may occur within your assignment.
If you wear many different hats – as we all do and have from time to time, tailor your communications (even your pictures) for the audience you are serving. You can shortcut this a bit with "versions" and "cut and pasting"... with the key points, goals, education and strengths left in place while our coaching, training, speaking highlight, etc., paragraphs are inserted accordingly. This indicates Consistency with a catalog of Versatility.
And above all…KNOW YOUR BUSINESS!!! I coach so many new clients and businesses that can not (when informally or formally asked) concisely summarize and project the purpose of their business (within 20 – 35 words). Then they wonder why people don’t have confidence in their abilities as a consultant or business owner. Memorize, digest and mantra your life and business mission, goals and result standards so when asked they are second nature. You will project with confidence and people will believe in you and the business that you stand for.