The meeting of the African American Leadership Forum will take place this Thursday, November 10, 2011, beginning promptly at 7:00 P.M. at St. Mark United Methodist Church, Dorsey Road, Hanover, Maryland.
This meeting is not open to the press. We will be receiving subcommittee reports concerning our visit to the Anne Arundel County Council and the subsequent letter that we received from the County Council chairman Councilman Dick Ladd. We will be looking at dates to meet with Congresswoman Donna Edwards, who now will be representing parts of Anne Arundel County based on the recently passed new congressional district lines.
We will also be discussing developing a Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for future actions. In some instances, people will be meeting for the first time. It is our desire that we make this meeting as productive as possible.
I want to thank Reverend Watson and his congregation for making their church avaiable for the meeting. A thank you to Devon Tucker who recommended that we meet at various locations through out the county, so that we have county-wide representation at these meetings. Also, I want to thank Eugene Peterson and Cynthia Abney Carter for coordinating getting food and beverages for Thursday's meeting.
A question was raised as to "who can attend the meeting"? The meeting is open to any African American who is interested in working in concert with African American leaders in addressing the systemic issues that we face in this county.
In the months and years to come, we will be addressing the disparities in education, government representation, minority businesses, under representation in appointed and elected positions and how we can work together to help each other. Please feel free to invite others who share this desire.
The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00P.M. and will conclude at 9:00 P.M. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
A Luta Continua,
Carl O. Snowden
Office for Civil Rights
Attorney General Offices
200 Saint Paul Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21202